About This Project

The bi-dimensional laser cutting machine mod. SENIOR F/R is a fixed table system and chuck equipped with laser sources from 200W to 2000W.

The overall dimensions are limited, allowing an easy access for the loading and unloading processes.

The machine is planned to seat Fanuc or RofinSinar laser sources according to customer preference.

This system was specifically designed to match processing of flat dies and rotary die-boards on the machine itself.

The main advantages of this machine are:

High quality and cutting accuracy: outcome of an advanced technology of the laser sources and of an extreme precision of the applied mechanics, as well as the innovative technical solutions duly studied for die-boards sector.

Reliability and strength:from the beginning Comi Spa has been paying special attention to these features, which turn into a long-drawn-out efficiency over the time. That means a high yelding production and a limited maintenance.

Time service reduction: this is the main customers’aim, which has been achieved by ComiSpA by optimizing and speeding the cutting dies phase as well as the loading /unloading processes and/or the production changes.




aerospace, automotive, industrial, laser cut, laser cut, laser cut