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This line is designed to manufacture composite materials parts, from the raw materials preparation to CNC finishing and quality control, by hand or automatic....

This line is designed for the adhesion/coupling of several components, usually made by different materials, to obtain a complex product ready to be painted....

This line is designed to be able to paint the parts made from the molding line in order to allow the user to obtain the product finished and painted. The line can use up to 24 different colors without human intervention....

Made by automatic systems for spraying adhesives on automotive components, the COMI unit automatically recognizes the piece on which to distribute the adhesive communicating the robot the correct spraying cycle....

Comi realizes complex plants for the assembly of parts manufactured by other COMI units, in particular for the automotive industry....

Comi realizes complex plants for the GMT parts manufacturing. These plants consist of oven, press, molds, robot for parts handling and finishing. All gathered in one COMI working isle....

Comi realizes complex plants for the LWRT parts manufacturing. These plants are generally made up of presses, molds, oven, handling robot useful also for inserts loading....

Textile fibers and glass fibers are the historical sector of COMI TÈAS and we have created automatic systems operating all over the world The types of processes that can be carried out with our systems are various, including handling of the winding and doffering area technological...